So, here’s how to maintain your fitness and wellbeing and enjoy the most wonderful time of the year:
1. Plan ahead
Contrary to what you might think, getting the most out of festive parties probably means scheduling in a few workouts, even if exercising will be knocked down a few pegs on the priority list.
Think about how happy and energised you feel after finishing a workout compared to how you feel after days of being sedentary and consider which is more conducive to you enjoying the season to the full? Identify when you can fit in a workout and not miss out on the fun and then put it in your diary!
2. Think less about calorie counting
Remember it’s possible to be undernourished although you are overeating. While Quality Street and mince pies are our most favourite of food groups, slipping in those extra veggies will help keep your immunity strong so you can better combat winter illness. By fuelling your body with plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals, you’ll also be in a better position to kick-start your New Year’s training.
3. Honour the 80/20 rule
Ah, the good old ‘everything in moderation, including moderation’ mantra. If you’re indulging in that second helping of Christmas pudding after a week of healthy choices, or falling off the fitness wagon 20 percent of the time, don’t beat yourself up – keep calm and carry on.
4. Living room workouts
Away from your local gym? Staying with family from Christmas to New Year in the middle of absolutely nowhere? Consider switching your training to on-demand workouts.
5. Kill two birds with one stone
Places to go, people to see, hams to marinade, etc? How are we supposed to keep up with friend before The Big Day and make it to the gym as well?
6. Perfect is the enemy of good
So, perhaps in the midst of the Christmas frenzy, squeezing in that hour threshold session you had planned just isn’t possible. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something – a surprising amount can be achieved in a fifteen minutes per week. Aim for shorter, more intense sessions.
7. Kick back a little
Christmas is also the time of year that you should enjoy yourself and let your hair down.