Age stronger
live better

Expert online instruction
proven great results

Join now for €6/£5 a week

What’s included in your membership?

Daily Live Interactive Classes

Join our expert instructors for live sessions each weekday. Resistance training, Pilates, yoga, cardio.

Unlimited on-demand video library

Choose your workout and time from 15 minutes to an hour from our huge video library.

Variety of strength training classes

From Pilates, yoga, cardio and resistance training, create a schedule that works for you.

Personalised Expert Consultations

Tailored fitness guidance: one-on-one meetings with our fitness experts.

A supportive online community

Join a thriving fitness family: Exchange tips, celebrate progress, and stay motivated with peers.

Experienced instructors

Learn from the best: Our team ensures that you get cutting-edge fitness and support.

Build a solid fitness foundation

Keen to start resistance training?
This course is for you!

  • EXPERT GUIDANCE for an engaging and supportive workout session.
  • BUILDING BLOCKS: Fundamental principles of strength training, proper form, and injury prevention.
  • FOUNDATION FIRST: Tailored for people who are new to fitness or strength training.
  • 1:1 REVIEW: To help you get a sustainable fitness routine.

(and available on-demand)

No matter your current fitness level, this course will help you achieve your goals.

Meet your instructors

What our clients say

Looking leaner and more toned

“I started Stronger You For Life in 2020. I was always hesitant about lifting weights as I feared that it would make me look really muscular, but actually it has made me feel much stronger, and look leaner and toned. I am now addicted!”

Class participant

Life Changing

“Clare's classes via the on-demand tape option have been life changing for me, both mentally and physically – and I never thought I'd say that about anything...”

Louise Hudson
Class participant

A fabulous workout

“I can highly recommend this class. It's a fabulous workout and Clare is an amazing instructor.”

Deirdre Cleary
Class participant

Seeing results

“Your classes are soo good. I've been doing them for exactly a year now and have gained strength and lost half a stone in the process.

All my years at Riverview and I never stuck with a weekly exercise class. In the summer I was easily doing 2-3 of your classes per week!”

Class participant

Avoiding injury

"I have so enjoyed all your classes this year and am definitely feeling the benefits. I actually fell down concrete steps in June, landing on my back. I thought I'd done serious damage, and am convinced that it was your conditioning and strengthening classes that saved me.

Class participant

Gaining strength and flexibility

”After Christmas I got two 8kg dumbbells and I'm beginning to be able to use them! My left wrist is definitely getting stronger and more flexible and I think it is your classes enabling that. I also discovered my inner thigh muscles this week! Ha ha!”

Fiona, Class participant

Setting goals and making progress

”I set goals to keep training over the winter and am currently doing 3-4 taped sessions a week. I do laugh when you are using a 14kg weight and I'm using 2kg. But having started out with 1, 2 and 3kg, I'm excited to have just bought a 4, 5 and 6kg set.

Lifting a 25kg sack of coal is definitely easier these days – tangible progress!”

Class participant

Spreading the word

“I'm a nurse/midwife in my 40s and thanks to your classes I finally realise the importance of strength training. A  patient recommended you to me – now I recommend you to loads of patients.”

Aideen, Class participant

Maintaining fitness through the holidays

“Thanks for the fantastic classes in 2023 – I'm definitely fitter and stronger as a result. I love the variety and the challenges and can tell that my core and back strength have improved massively. I'll be relying on your recorded classes to keep me fit and sane over the Christmas season and am looking forward to 2024!"

Class participant

Recovering post-surgery

“Thank you so much Clare for keeping me fit this year, especially as I struggled to get back to my old self after wrist surgery. I'd welcome getting a few recordings over the holidays to help me keep up my momentum.”

Class participant

Returning to fitness

“After my first baby I was keen to start exercising again. I wanted to do it carefully to ensure I was rebuilding my core and strength appropriately and worked with Clare for the first six months. She was excellent and took great care to program appropriate workouts for me as a post-partum mum.

It was fantastic to be able to bring my baby with me to work out and Clare kept him well entertained if needed! I'd highly recommend Clare to any post-partum mum looking to get back to training!”

Niamh (Specialist registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology) 

Supporting your own training

“My passion is running, which I've enjoyed for fifteen years. However, as I approached 50 I noticed that I was suffering more injuries, and that my times were getting slower. I felt really down about it and a friend suggested I talk to Clare. This was a revelation. She explained that as we age we lose muscle mass and that this was impacting my running.

Six months of resistance training with Clare and I feel as fit as I have ever been. I love her sessions, remarkable for someone who hates the gym. I'm now posting times that I was doing years ago and, most importantly, without injury.”

Personal training client

Sustainable nutrition for life

“I was frustrated with what I now realise was a lack of knowledge. Clare provided solutions to suit me and my pace. She is kind and encouraging, especially when I've a bad week. Clare provided easy life-changing tips and advice. She transformed my diet so I feel satisfied after meals.

When a food or meal didn’t suit, Clare adjusted it with ease and never showed frustration with my limited palate. I’m confident Clare has given me the tools to make the correct decisions regarding my diet. I recently turned 50 and now feel like I did in my mid-20s – with renewed energy for exercise, the kids and life in general.

Nutrition client who lost more than 10kgs under my guidance

Wouldn't change a thing

“We love your classes and do them every week, wherever we are in the world! We wouldn't change a single thing – you are absolutely brilliant! Thanks so much for all your expertise and encouragement.

Class participants

Love the variety and your enthusiasm

“It's just over a year since I started your classes. It's flown by! All I can say is your workouts have made the most enormous difference – they are very confidence-boosting, both physically and mentally. I do 2-3 classes each week.”

Louise, class participant